About Us & FAQS at
Deva Podiatry Chester

The practice was established by Sarah Webber BSc (Hons) MCPod in 2018 and is based in Westminster Park, Chester. It is a dedicated ground floor fully equipped modern clinic with ample free parking. Close to Westminster Park shops and local bus routes.
Upon qualification from Salford University with a BSc (Hons) degree in Podiatric Medicine I commenced my registration with the HCPC and immediately took up a role within the NHS. In addition I am a member of the UK’s largest professional body for podiatrists, The College of Podiatry.
The clinic offers a range of advance treatments alongside routine footcare and we are proud of our high levels of customer service and podiatric care.
We are registered with the Health and Care Professions Council and are fully trained and insured, having completed degree level training prior to qualification. I separate my working week between Deva Podiatry Practice and the NHS (where I treat complex patients including those with diabetes, arthritis and chronic disease). I am legally required to undergo a programme of continued professional development and carry out a wide variety of extra training every year to ensure that I continue to provide the highest quality latest techniques and best clinical practice for my patients.
The Big 10- Podiatry Frequently Asked Questions
1..What is the difference between a Chiropodist and a Podiatrist?
There is no difference. A podiatrist is the internationally recognised name for a foot specialist and since the mid 1990’s degree level qualification allows for the recognition of the title Podiatrist.
2..I’m confused! You call yourself a Podiatrist and a Chiropodist and you state you practice Podiatry. So what are you?
Don’t worry, many people still like to retain links to the origins of the discipline and for this reason it is very common for us to mix between the two. Think of it as being like money - chiropodist is pre- decimal and podiatrist is decimal.
3..Where can I find your credentials?
All registered Podiatrists and Chiropodists are regulated by the HCPC who keep an online register of us. Registration is renewed every 2 years. If you can’t find the name or the registration number, then it’s likely that the person is not a Podiatrist or Chiropodist.
4..What should I expect on my first visit?
You will be asked for some personal information, such as your contact details and date of birth. You will also be asked for any necessary information that may be relevant to your treatment i.e. if you have any medical conditions and what medications you take. The podiatrist will then undertake a thorough examination of your feet. Your circulation will be checked and tested using a Doppler machine and your nervous system checked for any loss of protective sensations. Once the full assessment has been completed, we will offer appropriate treatment and advice.
5..Will my personal data be shared with a third party?
All personal information supplied during a consultation will be kept secure and not shared with any other third party. An exception would be to share information with your doctor or hospital specialist regarding your foot complaint, but only with your prior permission. Any information such as emails used to contact us are entered into https://www.devapodiatry.com The website privacy policy explains how this data is stored. ZA458556 is our GDPR number at the ICO.
6..How long will my initial treatment take?
We believe that an initial appointment is an opportunity to get to know you and understand your concerns relating to your foot health. For this reason, all new patients are allocated up to 60 minutes for this appointment as we conduct a number of thorough tests linked to your general health and the medications you may or may not be taking.
7..How often should I return?
The majority of patients realise the benefit of Podiatry / Chiropody treatments are truly gained when visiting on a regular basis of 6-8 weeks. However, some patients need to return more regularly whilst others may find that they only require minimum work once or twice a year, as they follow advice on good foot health maintenance. Here at Deva Podiatry we trust that you will be highly satisfied with your treatment. We will be able advise you in our professional capacity on when to book a further appointment as the period between appointment times can vary according to your individual needs.
8..Does the treatment hurt?
In general routine podiatry treatments are pain free and leads to great comfort and reduction of previous pain associated with the foot problem presented. Occasionally some more complex procedures may be a little uncomfortable but you will always be informed if we believe this will be the case.
9..I am nervous about receiving Podiatry treatment.
Don’t worry! It’s quite normal to have concerns, at all stages you can stop and tell us if you are feeling nervous or anxious. Remember, it’s your treatment, for you. Patient Feedback tells us that the clinic is an ambient and calming environment to visit and that the podiatrists are friendly and able to put people at ease.
10..Do you offer after care advice?
Yes, we pride ourselves on offering you detailed after treatment advice. We have a range of information available in clinic and via devapodiatry ,our email newsletter, Facebook and Instagram we regularly post suitable and appropriate foot health related advise.